José Carlos Pezini - January 2021 Update

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Dear brothers and sisters,

Grace and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that this year, we will find more peace and freedom to carry out the work for which we were called to do. We mourn with those who lost their loved ones to COVID-19. We pray that with the arrival of the vaccine, life will get better.

Many pastors in Brazil were infected with the virus. Some recovered and others succumbed to COVID-19. Many churches are suffering financially and cannot pay their pastors. But, we must continue doing our ministry. That is why we need you, faithful ministry partners, to continue to pray for us.

Even during the pandemic, our ministry continues, training leaders and pastors for revitalizing and planting new churches. We had to adapt and readjust our courses, which are now offered virtually, but we obtained good results. Here is testimony from Rev. Marcio Tenponi about a church that I helped to revitalize:

It was July 2013 when I, a 35-year-old pastor, arrived at the Presbyterian Church of Piedade to replace a pastor who, after fighting aggressive cancer for 10 long years, was no longer able to even stand.

The Presbyterian Church of Piedade was 83 years old and during that time had as many as 400 members. However, in 2013 there were only about 40 members and 70% were over 70 years old. There were no children, only one teenager. There was no vigor in the community, just hurt and sadness that increased significantly after the pastor's death in early 2014.

Administratively, the scenario was no different. There were serious financial problems, with debt and even embezzlement. Looking back at the situation, it is even more evident that the Eternal performed a miracle in sustaining me without my succumbing to the challenge. And without a doubt, SARA Ministry was God's great instrument for miracles to happen, both the miracle of personal transformation and the revitalization of the church.

As the years went by, the Spirit blew again in this church. With Pezini’s support, guidance, healing, spirituality, and reflection on the philosophy of ministry, the revitalization process is thriving. Today the church has three times more members than when I arrived and is made up of all age groups. The process of spiritual formation is underway through the vision and mission of the church defined and followed by the whole community. The entire teaching area has been reformulated, there are now four sequential modules for spiritual growth and financial and administrative organization.

Despite the pandemic, the church grew 11.4% financially and 17% in its membership. We have developed individual discipleship as part of the church's spiritual formation process and it reaches 65% of the members. God made and is making a great move through Pezini, as his instrument for my personal and ministerial life to be transformed and reach the entire Presbyterian Church of Piedade. This shows how the economy of the Kingdom of God works as he moved through Pezini, who came from the U.S.A. to Brazil.

God used Pezini to help bring healing and transformation to my life. This redefined my pastoral ministry where God wanted to revitalize the Presbyterian Church of Piedade. I see the progress of the Kingdom continue through each new person reached by the Gospel who is transformed into a disciple of Jesus and begins to make other disciples.   Rev. Marcio Tenponi

As you can see in this testimony, God never gives up. He loves the church, and he wants to see the church thrive. Revitalization of the church is possible. Many churches in Brazil want to start the revitalization process and are looking for help. However, this process consists of eight courses offered over two years for pastors and elders which most churches cannot afford to pay for. Please pray and consider the possibility of helping these churches start the work of revitalization.

Thank you for your generosity and for your involvement in expanding the kingdom of God. May the Lord continue to bless you all abundantly.

Pezini and Odete

Read more about Pezini’s ministry HERE, New Church Development in Brazil HERE, and SARA Retreat Ministry for Pastors in Brazil HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $95,000 for ministry and support funds for Pezini and $5,000 to defray costs of attending SARA retreats for pastors who cannot afford them. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.