Why We Exist



Our MISSION: Fueling the global mission of Christ by growing trusted relationships


Committed to the historic Christian faith as it is revealed in God's Word and expressed by the ecumenical creeds and in the Reformed confessions, we affirm that:

  • Jesus Christ is the only Lord and Savior.

  • God's grace in Jesus Christ is for all people.

  • The church exists for God’s glory and God’s mission.

  • Discipleship and mission are the calling of every follower of Jesus.

  • God connects us in mission through relationships of mutual respect and support.

  • The Holy Spirit empowers the church to bear witness to the Good News by its life words and deeds.




Helping the church live out its missional calling

Building the capacity of the global church, especially where the church is vulnerable or growing rapidly, as together we

  • Cultivate deep, long-term relationships

  • Support the work of global workers

  • Help each other equip leaders, plant and build churches, and strengthen ministries of compassion

Transforming lives through mission involvement