Together for the Family — July 2023 Update — The Firm Foundation

Together for the Family Director Izdihar Kassis recently sent news of their ministry with children affected by the earthquake. Here are highlights from the report:

The Firm Foundation project has proven to be a remarkable initiative since its inception in March, following the devastating earthquake in the region. This program has effectively addressed the pressing need for education among individuals whose schools were either destroyed or repurposed as shelters for the homeless. Extensive efforts have been dedicated to implementing a wide range of activities, resulting in not only the continuation of academic pursuits for these students but also an enhanced educational experience.

Program Objectives:

  • To provide education and academic support to 60 underprivileged students in grades 4-9 affected by the earthquake

  • To create a safe and supportive environment for the students, promoting self-expression and addressing the emotional and spiritual well-being of the students

  • To deliver a comprehensive curriculum that meets regional educational standards, covering all necessary subjects and preparing students for future academic endeavors

  • To monitor the progress of the students regularly, providing additional support where needed to ensure they meet educational standards

  • To improve the living conditions of the students by providing daily meals, clothing, and necessary items, as well as monitoring their overall well-being and offering additional support

  • To facilitate art therapy sessions, allowing students to cope with trauma and express themselves creatively

  • To ensure regular attendance and prevent educational gaps, providing additional support to struggling students

  • To address the spiritual needs of the students through counseling, informal discussions, and incorporating Bible stories

  • To promote a sense of community and social support among the students and their families, offering regular support and assistance

  • To empower students by providing access to basic necessities, improving their overall quality of life

Project Outcomes and Updates
All 60 students were able to continue their education despite the destruction of schools, ensuring they did not miss out on a year of education. The official curriculum of the government was implemented with professional, experienced teachers in a way that suited all of the students.

The program was filled with activities that encouraged improved emotional and spiritual well-being through the provision of counseling services, informal discussions, and incorporating Bible stories, creating a supportive environment for personal growth.

Progress Monitoring and Support
Regular progress assessments were conducted, enabling the identification of students who needed additional support. Those students received targeted interventions to address their educational challenges and ensure they met the necessary standards.

Access to Basic Needs
Students received daily meals, clothing, and necessary items, ensuring their basic needs were met and improving their overall living conditions.

Artistic Expression and Coping
Art therapy sessions provided students with a creative outlet to express themselves and cope with the trauma they had experienced, All 60 received at least one personal art therapy session online and at least 10 group works.

It is disheartening to note that 78% of our students lost their homes due to the devastating earthquake, while the remaining students experienced the loss of their schools. The stories of these families are heart-wrenching, as they strive to secure a mere single meal per day.

The program is resolute in its commitment to addressing these challenges and meeting the needs of the affected students. By providing a nurturing educational environment, holistic support, and vital resources, the program aims to restore a sense of stability and hope for these resilient individuals and their families.

Access to Resources
Ensuring consistent access to necessary educational materials, including textbooks, stationery, and art supplies, proved challenging due to limited resources and disrupted supply chains in the earthquake-affected areas. Also affected was the availability of food and snacks.

Limited Number of Places
The demand and the need exceed the limited spaces we have. We are considering opening one or two schools in another area to reach more children and families.

Lessons Learned

  • Importance of Emotional Support: The program highlighted the critical role of addressing the emotional well-being of students in times of crisis. Providing counseling services, creative outlets, and a supportive environment proved essential for their overall development and resilience.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Flexibility and adaptability proved essential in responding to unforeseen circumstances. Adapting the curriculum, delivery methods, and activities to meet the unique needs and challenges of the students contributed to the program's success.

  • Holistic Approach: The program recognized the value of a holistic approach that addressed not only the educational needs of students but also their emotional, social, and material well-being. By providing comprehensive support, the program maximized its impact on the students' overall development.

In conclusion, the Firm Foundation project has successfully addressed the educational and well-being needs of underprivileged students affected by the devastating earthquake. Through the unwavering dedication of a committed team, the program provided education, emotional support, and essential resources to empower these students and help them overcome the challenges they face.

As we reflect on the outcomes achieved, we are filled with gratitude for the generosity and support received from the school and the wider community. The project has given these students the opportunity to dream of a brighter future and equipped them with the tools to pursue their goals.

Moving forward, it is our hope that the Firm Foundation project will continue to make a lasting impact, inspiring positive change and transforming lives. The journey toward empowerment and education is ongoing, and we remain committed to supporting these students as they strive for a better tomorrow.

Read more about Together for the Family (TFF) HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Together for the Family. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help TFF provide food and other basic material goods, as well as support programs that offer Syrian refugees hope and healing. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.