Namumu Orphanage Center - December 2019 Update

Siavonga, Zambia

My Life Matters
The Story of a Namumu Girl Named Racheal Bbautu

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want… Psalm 23

Racheal believes in Psalm 23. As you read through her story below, please consider what can happen when we obey the Lord and extend the hand of generosity to rescue a child. The sky is the limit for Racheal!

My name is Racheal Bbautu. I was born in 2004 in the Mundulundulu village of Siavonga, Zambia. I was very fortunate to come to Namumu Orphanage Center in 2013.

In June 2008, when I was four years old, I lost my mother and my younger sister on the same day within two hours of each other. In 2011, my father was jailed for five years which left me alone and totally helpless. I moved in with my grandparents, but life was difficult. When I was eight, my grandmother could not care for me anymore, so she took me to Namumu Orphanage Center for assistance. I was lucky they accepted me.

At the orphanage, I met many brothers and sisters who were as needy as me. However, we no longer needed to worry about shelter, food, clothes, and education. I started to enjoy a more normal life. We received an education just like other children, and in many ways, our lives were better than other children around us. I am now in eighth grade at Mubuyu Christian Academy, a girls’ boarding school and one of the best schools in the Siavonga district. Besides academics, I have learned many different life skills like rearing chickens, vegetable gardening, cooking and more. We are being raised spiritually with good morals. They encourage us to work hard in school and be independent. When I finish school, I want to study medicine in order to save people’s lives.

Without the support of Namumu Orphanage Center and our loving and caring sponsors, especially The Outreach Foundation, I wouldn’t have a chance like this. At Namumu, we are provided with a wonderful living environment, better than most of the average homes around us. Thank you, all the uncles and aunties who have partnered with Namumu, for giving me such loving care all these years. Thank you for not giving up on me and many others here. I promise I will work hard to achieve my goal. When I’m able, I will help those who need help. I have no words to express my gratitude to you for giving me love and for offering sacrificial resources for me and others at the orphanage. Today, my life matters and for that, may God richly bless you.

Racheal is one of 19 children at the Namumu Orphanage Center and one of eight girls at Mubuyu Christian Academy. Racheal earned a certificate for being the best student in business studies. Another Namumu girl, Otria, graduated on November 30th.

Your generous gifts make it possible for Outreach to make a difference in the lives of children who lose parents and find themselves alone in this world. Education is one of the proven ways to empower a person to self-reliance. Namumu Orphanage has a board of management and has embarked on some thoughtful income-generating activities to raise local revenues. But our support for education will continue until all the children at least complete high school.

We are grateful for your partnership,

Ebralie Mwizerwa, Projects Coordinator

Read more about Namumu Orphanage Center HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $20,000 to feed, clothe, offer medical care and educate children at Namumu. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.