Posts tagged Cuba Appeal
Cuba Appeal - October 2021 Update

This reflection upon the current crisis in Cuba – and of the Church’s response to it – comes from the Rev. Dora Arce Valentin. Rev. Dora is not only the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cuba (the IPRC—the Independent Presbyterian Reformed Church of Cuba) but a pastor in one of its congregations, a bit west of Havana in San Antonio de los Baños.

Dear family in Christ:

When the gospels tell us the stories of Jesus' miracles, sometimes our rational minds fail to understand the true message of those experiences. And, indeed, even the disciples, who walked with the Master every day of his ministry, never fully understood him until after the resurrection. However, there are times when we can see those daily miracles relived in the solidarity between sisters and brothers of faith, in small or large acts of generosity, of those who speak to us of love and demonstrate it by sharing what they have, as you have done.

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Cuba Appeal - September 2021 Update

With gratitude for your generous response to our Cuba Emergency Appeal, we have been able to share more than $38,000 to meet the urgent needs of our partners at this critical time on the island, due to the pandemic and the collapse of the economy.

On June 21 at the Seminario Evangélico de Teologica (SET) in Matanzas, the school opened an annex ward of the local pediatric hospital which had been overrun with COVID cases. 120 patients and their accompanying relatives were received along with 20 medical personnel. For 47 days, ten SET employees and an onsite manager provided meals for 140 people. This included their daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as two snacks and food for babies under one year of age. Disinfecting cleaning, internet access and electricity had to be supplied by the seminary, along with the staffing of the kitchen and maintenance.

Gifts for the Presbyterian Reformed Synod of Cuba were sent with our wish that the funds be divided equally amongst the three Presbyteries who could then disburse resources, as needed, to their congregations which were in great need of assisting families to purchase food and medicine. Most of these congregations are found in small towns and villages and you can meet some of your Presbyterian family here, whom your gifts have both helped and encouraged…

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