PCEA Church Construction in Kenya — PCEA Ng’alalya Church Dedication

East Africa Consultant Stu Ross shares the happy news of another PCEA church dedication:

Dear friends, 

PCEA Ng’alalya Church was dedicated on June 4. The new church is located about 1.5 hours east of Kikuyu. It is a growing area and has a lot of potential. I can see them expanding in five years. In the meantime, we have helped them with a church where they can grow their capacity and members and do much on their own. The closest PCEA church is PCEA Bethany, the mother of Ng’alalya, which is 10 kilometers (more than five miles) away. This is too far for children and the elderly to walk. 

While the team from the U.S. helped build the church, another church team of thirty-five went around the village and evangelized and invited non-members to their church. They did this for two days, which is why the church overflowed on dedication day. The church chairman, a medical doctor, has done a great job leading the church and giving them a vision. 

We gave the church the task of building its foundation and other masonry work. They completed this in two weeks and that showed me how eagerly they wanted their church.

The church dedication went well and was performed by the Past Moderator, the Very Rev. David Gathanju. After the dedication, we enjoyed a fellowship lunch together. I challenged the church to start a primary school. I did the children’s ministry and there were over 100 kids. 

This is the parish theme for 2023:

“ I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you.” Leviticus 26:9 NIV


Stu Ross

Read more about PCEA Church Construction in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of PCEA Church Construction in Kenya. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help build PCEA churches. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.