Ethiopia Partnership — August 2022 Update

In June, I met an incredible doctor by the name of Thomas Donguande in Juba, South Sudan. Dr. Donguande was born in Africa and has spent a great deal of life in Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda. For the last several years he has served as a general practice medical doctor in South Sudan.

Africa has many needs. Food insecurity, civil unrest, and medical care are of primary concern. For example, South Sudan receives planes daily in the capital city Juba. These World Food Program planes are filled only with food for the numerous people starving in the region. The airport is full of WFP planes. Likewise, civil unrest is rampant in Africa. Fighting has resumed throughout South Sudan and in many parts of Ethiopia. Tribes are warring against other tribes. Hospitals are swamped. Doctors, nurses, and medicine are in short supply.

Occasionally, a small glimmer of hope emerges in Africa. Dr. Donguande, who works at one of the hospitals not far from Juba, is a glimmer of hope. What makes Dr. Donguande so unique is his specialty. When he isn’t doing his regular rounds, he is sought out as the only fistula doctor in all South Sudan.

A fistula is an abnormal passageway that connects two organs or vessels that do not usually connect. Fistulas can develop anywhere. In Africa, the most common cause of fistulas is childbirth and obstructed labor that is left unrelieved. Often fistulas occur in girls who give birth at a very young age.

Dr. Donguande is bringing hope to thousands of young girls and women. Of course, Dr. Donguande must continue his training as new techniques and procedures emerge. The Outreach Foundation helped pay his expenses during his final two years of study at St. Paul’s University and is pleased to continue to pull alongside him in order that others might be helped in their suffering.

Mark Mueller, Executive Director

Read more about the Ethiopia Partnership HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of our partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Ethiopia. Your gifts help enable ministry to continue in this difficult region of the world. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.