Near East School of Theology — July 2022 Update

Beirut, Lebanon

Every spring, NEST holds a one-day retreat. In May, students and faculty members traveled to the oldest Maronite Church in Yanouh, Lebanon in the district of Byblos. While there, the NEST group reflected on God’s Word, prayed, and sang hymns. The group also visited a local winery and the gushing springs of the Afqa grotto.

The 89th commencement service took place on June 11, 2022, in the Grace Chapel. Five students graduated: one with a bachelor’s degree in theology, one with a bachelor’s degree in theological studies, and three with master’s degrees in divinity. The speaker was Dr. Peter Ford, assistant professor of Islamic Studies at NEST, who is retiring after ten years in Lebanon and over 40 years of missionary service in the Middle East and Africa.

From the President, Dr. George Sabra:

A few months ago, an NGO called Goods of our City approached us and proposed we support a project of urban gardening on the grounds of the seminary. Goods of Our City is an initiative that addresses the lack of open and green spaces, as well as the issue of food security, through urban agriculture. NEST accepted the proposal and is now the second place in Beirut (or Lebanon for that matter) to house this initiative. Supplied with wooden planters, soil, and seedlings of various vegetables and fruits, the whole NEST community including students, faculty, staff, and residents participated in painting the planters and planting.

The project will be materially beneficial to NEST, as it will supply our kitchen with vegetables and fruits, and it will be ecologically beneficial because it increases the amount of green space in the city. But above all, for us, it is a symbolic action with a deep spiritual meaning. I have always been fascinated and inspired by the story of Jeremiah in chapter 32. We find the prophet languishing in prison. He had opposed the policies of his rulers and was thrown in jail. The country is besieged by the enemy, the situation is desperate, everyone is panicking, there is foreign pressure and internal collapse, and the people are in despair and want to emigrate and escape for they see no future for their children. In the midst of all this, Jeremiah, from jail, conducts a real estate operation, where he buys his cousin’s land. He sows seeds of hope for the future in the very land where the situation seems hopeless.

In Lebanon, there is today every reason and cause for despair, frustration, and emigration. The economic and financial collapse, with all its political and social ramifications, envelops the whole country in a black cloud of confusion, hopelessness, and depression. Nothing seems to be moving forward in a positive and promising sense. Despite all of this, we at NEST decided to plant a garden, and tend it, hoping to eat of its fruits and hand it over to our successors, for we trust in God’s promise of restoration and His faithfulness to His people.

Grateful for your partnership,

Marilyn Borst                                                                  
Associate Director for Partnership Development

Read more about the Near East School of Theology HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of NEST. All gifts of any size are welcomed for student scholarship support and general seminary operations. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.