Presbyterian Education Board - August 2021 Update

Zerafshan Yousaf: Bearing Christ’s light in Pakistan

Recently we heard from Zerafshan Yousaf. She is the Principal of Presbyterian Education Board’s Higher Secondary Girls’ School in Pasrur and is a great example of PEB’s vision to provide high-quality education that equips girls and boys to become leaders in Pakistan who are guided by Christian values.

Zerafshan’s journey as a student at the girls’ school in Pasrur began in 1997. It was there that she learned to face with courage the many challenges that meet every Christian girl and boy in Pakistan. She recalls how inspirational and meaningful her Christian teachers were and that because of her experience she was able to attend university, earning a degree in psychology and a master’s in political science. Now she is following her heart’s desire to give back to the Christian community by inspiring young girls just as her teachers inspired her.

Zerafshan is a fantastic example to so many people about making a positive difference as a Christian woman leader in a Muslim-majority context. Her story is just one of many girls and boys in Pakistan who have learned to be the light of Jesus Christ in the darkest places of this world. We are glad to have the Presbyterian Education Board as one of our newest partners and invite you to be part of it!

We invite you to come alongside other girls and boys just like Zerafshan by making a donation to The Outreach Foundation. Your gifts go directly to scholarships that enable Christian and Muslim families to send their children to a place where God will shape them by His Word, plant His values into their hearts, and cause them to flourish as His disciples.

Read more about the Presbyterian Education Board HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $25,000 for scholarships which are required for almost every student as most come from very poor families. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.