Pakistan Bible Correspondence School - October 2021 Update


God is on the move! As Adeel Samuel, director of the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School (PBCS), reminds us, “Our God is a God of nations, all nations will bow before the Lord (Psalm 86:9). In the recent political change in Afghanistan, many people have fled to Pakistan; some are Christian.

People like Abdul. He was a driver for an American officer who showed him movies about Jesus. The concept that Jesus “took away all his sins" was new. And as so often happens among Muslims, he wanted to know more and read the Bible in secret. That reading led him to believe in Jesus. Abdul fled to where Adeel Samuel, lives and is now being nurtured there through the PBCS.

Sajad used to work with the Chinese as an interpreter. His father had a serious medical issue so he prayed to Allah for his father's healing but nothing happened. One day he shared his father's health condition with one person from China, who took a risk and told him about Jesus as a healer. So, Sajad risked even more and asked him to pray to Jesus for healing. The intercession worked, and his father was healed. Sajad was amazed and both accepted Jesus and were baptized in secret.

A few years later, the father passed away and Sajad’s younger sister dreamed that someone held her father's hand and took him to heaven. As she described who this person was, Sajad knew it was Jesus so he told his sister about him and that their father had become a follower of Jesus. That led her to follow Jesus as well. Now they are praying for their mother and another sister who fled to Pakistan from Afghanistan.

What is the need?

First, Adeel asks for prayer over the work of the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School as they meet the needs of refugees even out of their own poverty. Pray for Afghans to find their way to Adeel where they will be met with Christian love and hospitality.

Second, we have an opportunity to come alongside this wonderful work. The Pakistan Bible Correspondence School is one of the few bright lights in the dark space of Pakistan and they have a plan to reach out to the refugees coming from Afghanistan. The plan includes providing hospitality (food and clothing), apartments so that they are not living on the streets, friendship, and telling them about the God who is seeking them personally and who loves them through Jesus.

Winter is approaching so timing is important. The Outreach Foundation is receiving gifts that will help the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School make this plan a reality.

Grateful for your partnership,

Tom Boone
Associate Director for Mission

Read more about the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School All gifts of any size are welcomed to help facilitate the sharing of the Good News in Pakistan while opening the Bible to those who have never had access to it before. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.