PCEA Church Construction - November Update

Dedication of PCEA Itangi Church

On November 1, we dedicated Itangi Church. This was the fourth baby of the mother Gateway Church in Embu, which was built in 2007. Itangi Church was started in 2014 in a rented 8 x 8-foot metal structure. They celebrated their first Holy Communion on April 15, 2014. Then in 2017 they bought a one-acre plot of land and constructed their old church. After a while, their 65 members couldn’t fit into that church so they visited me to see if we could partner in building a new modern church.

Their new church will seat about 500 members. It is a very different feeling going from a mud floor to a nice, clean tiled floor. At the dedication, the church was filled with worshipers, about 400 spaced somewhat for COVID. There were also four tents outside with another 300 people. There were many visitors and many more from other parish churches.

When I spoke to the congregation, I challenged them to “go fishing” and have at least 100 members by Christmas. I also challenged them to turn their old church into two classrooms and when they had 50 children, we would partner with them to start a school. There are no schools in the area and the school could also serve as a Sunday School.

I left feeling very confident that this church would double and triple in size since so many houses were being built around the church. It was a good day!

Grateful for your partnership,

Stu Ross
East Africa Mission Consultant

Read more about PCEA Church Construction HERE.

Read more about Stu Ross HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to help build PCEA churches ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 each. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.