Jeff and Christi Boyd - August 2013 Update

Boyd Facebook photo Dec 2012.jpg

Jeff and Christi Boyd were commissioned as PC(USA) mission co-workers in 1990 and have since served in Tanzania, Zaire/Democratic Republic of Congo, and Cameroon.

Jeff serves as regional liaison for the countries of Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Equatorial Guinea and works with five Presbyterian denominations in addition to numerous other partners in the region. He consults with partners, listens to their concerns, and discerns with them their priorities for mission programs.

Jeff also provides support to PC(USA) mission personnel working in the region and serves as a resource person for PC(USA) congregations as they seek meaningful ways to engage with global partners in Central Africa. In his education role, Jeff visits and assesses schools, encourages in-service training for teachers and managers, and works with their leadership as they define goals and methods to achieve those. He further evaluates potential evangelism projects. Jeff is a big help to The Outreach Foundation, particularly in our support of the Congolese Presbyterian denominations’ efforts to train pastors and evangelists.

For the last 13 years, Christi was the Facilitator for the Joining Hands Initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program in Cameroon. She has now accepted appointment to a new ministry as facilitator for Women’s and Children’s Interests in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, Rwanda, Madagascar, and South Sudan. In solidarity with vulnerable women and children there, she will accompany and encourage church partners in initiatives that strengthen mutual ministries. These will include pastoral training of women and tackling root causes of poverty and violence against women and children.

The Boyds left the Democratic Republic of Congo for Cameroon fourteen years ago, after two rebellions forced them to evacuate and consider more stable conditions to better ensure the safety and education of their three young children while continuing mission service. Now that their children are college-aged, the Boyds are returning to the Democratic Republic of Congo, specifically the capital city of Kinshasa. Jeff will continue his role as the Regional Liaison for Central Africa while Christi will take on her new role as the Facilitator for Women’s and Children’s Interests.

Learn more about Jeff and Christi Boyd by clicking here.

Minimum Goal for 2014

$10,000 for ministry funds for the Boyds



Democratic Republic of Congo