Wednesday Update from Nancy in Egypt

Sorry this is a day late. Bad tech day in Luxor--  internet access hard to find. We did have a great day yesterday, though and arrived safely back to Cairo. The seminary is a great place to be and a haven within the madness of Cairo - though not from the noise!

We had a "spiritual day" again yesterday at Luxor Church for people from the Arabic and English language congregations plus two village churches nearby. It was a workday so low attendance (our hosts said) but the people were there the Lord wanted. There was some rich sharing of hearts and ideas and ministries. The Egyptians had shared much with us about their vision and ministries and we had some hours to share with them also about our contexts in the US and Brazil. Acts 1:8 set the theme for the day. Steve and Paul focused on pastoral care and Deena focused it with a look at the value of personal sharing and small groups. There was interesting discussion because the Egyptian culture makes vulnerability very difficult. Cinda and Caitlin then turned the focus outward to ministry in the community and outreach locally. Then Marilyn and Jonas from Brazil took us all on a global tour of inspiration and encouragement with the global church.

We shared lunch in the church courtyard and rejoiced with this church that 2 years ago was in danger of being knocked down for archaeological development but under the new post-revolution governor has even had some of its land restored! Their pastor's home, ed building and school were destroyed, however...and those can't be easily replaced.

We enjoyed a tour of Luxor Temple with a tour guide from the church then went to the historic Winter Palace and...if you can imagine with this group of pastors and church workers...a bookstore!?  Of course.

A wonderful dinner in our hosts' apartment and fine fellowship kept us well occupied but away from working internet until we headed for the airport for a somewhat delayed flight back to Cairo.  I didn't get to bed til 1:30a...  we are sorry if you were worried!

Again we thank you for your prayers! We and our hosts are using discretion and adapting plans to avoid any hot spots and to stay within the seminary walls after dark each day.

Salaam wi na'am fi el Rab (grace and peace in the Lord), Nancy for the Egypt team
