Mission Devotional Day 21

As the Father has sent me, so I send you

DAY 21

READ: John 20:19-21

Each of the gospels have a section in which Jesus makes it clear that his followers are sent out into the world to continue his redeeming work. There is in the gospels an unmistakable agreement about the work of witness being the foundation of Christian mission.

In John’s gospel, the “commission” to the disciples comes in the upper room on the day of resurrection. Jesus breathes a word of peace upon the disciples, and he tells them, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” In Jesus’ statement, we see two things – first, the reality of being sent, and second, the fact that we are to go in the way of Jesus. He is both our message and our model.

If we allow Jesus to be our model, we will always have the well-being of others in mind. We will not be dishonest or manipulative in our work of bearing witness. We will seek always to demonstrate the love about which we are speaking.


Jesus proclaimed the kingdom in word and deed, balancing proclamation and demonstration. Which do you find to be harder?

Notice that Jesus says twice to the disciples, “Peace to you.” Where in your life do you need his peace in order to follow his example of serving love?


Lord, you send us out into the world to live in ways that invite others to open up to your love. Breathe your Spirit upon me and my congregation. In your mercy, grant us the humility to live in ways that point others to you. Amen.