Mission Devotional Day 20

I will make you fish for people

Mission Devotional Day 20

READ: Mark 1:16-20

Jesus’ first encounter with the disciples in Mark’s gospel occurs along the shore of Galilee where they are tending their fishing nets. Jesus says, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” Those are his first words. In his last words to the disciples, he tells them that they shall be his “witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

From his first words to his last Jesus makes clear the critical connection between discipleship and mission, between following him and living for God’s glory and for the sake of others.

John Donne, the English metaphysical poet, writes that upon our conversion our passion does not change, but the object of that passion does.


It is easy to conceive of faith as having to do with just me, or just me and Jesus. Why do you think that it is often acceptable to enjoy the benefits of salvation without embracing the responsibilities?

If the gospel is good news, why do you think we are so reluctant to tell others about Jesus?


Lord fill my mind and heart with the things that matter to you. Save me from a concern about myself that stands in the way of my welcoming others into your presence. Amen.