Mrs. Katherine Sawyer Booth — Lasting Legacy

Lasting Legacy

Katherine Sawyer Booth, faithful friend of The Outreach Foundation, passed away Friday, September 7 in Stuart, Florida.

Mrs. Booth was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Alex Booth, Outreach trustee emeritus. Dr. and Mrs. Booth shared a great love for the people of Africa. Their Booth Leadership Initiative focused that passion on the African Church. Equipping leaders, planting and building churches, and funding schools were a priority for this devoted couple. As a result of their generosity and kindness, thousands of African pastors have been trained, hundreds of churches built, and countless children enabled to attend school.

Mrs. Booth had a particular love for education and continued to help fund many schools of excellence in Africa after Dr. Booth’s death. As a result of her passion and generosity, hundreds of African students have been given an opportunity to achieve and excel.

Survived by her loving daughters Susan and Kim, Mrs. Booth’s legacy will be celebrated at a service in Huntington, West Virginia, Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Rev. Dr. Mark Mueller, Outreach Executive Director, will be officiating.

Well done, good and faithful servant.   Matthew 25:23

The Outreach Foundation