Ukraine Appeal - Lviv - Be Still and Know I am God

The medical delivery 

March 21, 2022. “Help!” Father Oleh Kindii of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Lviv messaged me while The Outreach Foundation was visiting Shapoor and other partners in our Iranian diaspora initiatives in Liverpool. My focus briefly went to Facebook and I saw it: a long list of various antibiotics, prednisone, several thousand sterile compresses, and other specialized medical supplies. The need was urgent. Supplies in Ukraine had been depleted but doctors and nurses are flooded daily with new patients with life-threatening injuries. My head was spinning, but the Lord had everyone in the right place at the right time. “Be still and know that I am God.

The Outreach Foundation is committed to following the Holy Spirit in times like this when we must work through trusted relationships to deliver miracles. Sitting with me on the couch was David Rice so I showed him the list. “Any ideas?” He and his wife Susan are now TAP partners living in Liverpool. A few years ago they were working as missionaries in Romania, which is close to Ukraine. David was immediately on the phone with one of his good friends from Romania and within minutes he had connected me to Beni Husarciuc. Beni works with Cru, formerly Campus Crusade, and has been using his beat-up truck to make some food and clothing deliveries into Ukraine. But never has he been presented with this significant a medical need. Beni, a volunteer, jumped in and God blessed the work.

It took three weeks to achieve, but $20,000 worth of medical supplies have reached their destinations in Lviv and are being used in several mobile hospital units throughout Ukraine. At times the effort seemed more like duct tape patchwork, including Beni’s rusted truck, which only had one breakdown during the transport drive. Father Oleh supplied the necessary letters from physicians in Ukraine. Miraculously Beni was able to collect all the requested items from Romania, Hungary, and Germany. Under normal circumstances he would have been able to get at most a few boxes of antibiotics, but with this shipment hundreds were available and there were no problems at the Chernivtsi border, a few hours drive south from Lviv. In God’s perfect timing Beni met a large convoy at the border and the shipment was waved in without questions.

This is one of the most inspirational stories I have covered during this relief effort. God had to make so much happen for this shipment so that people in mobile hospitals are getting treatment. It happened because two normal guys gave it their best shot, and lots of donors said “Yes.” Now we have heard “Is there any way you can do more?” This was done so well, with such efficiency, physicians are hoping we can bring another round. Let’s say “yes” again!

What is the opportunity?

The Outreach Foundation plans to authorize other medical supply runs as much as we can muster. We will work with our trusted friends Beni and Father Oleh who have figured out how to do this efficiently and now have the necessary contacts. The need for medical supplies is vast, but also Beni needs a more reliable van for transportation of the medical supplies. We are working on this with a contact in Germany. Please pray for this transportation need to be filled immediately. It will be used for many more supply runs into Ukraine. Please continue to give generously for this specialized effort within Ukraine through partnerships with the medical community that have been established through Father Oleh and his team of priests at the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of Lviv. Along with your prayers, you may help by making a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.