Update on Cyclone Batsirai in Madagascar

Nancy Warlick shared this note and information from the Madagascar Mission Network:

There is great need at this time for prayer for God's people and rebuilding in Madagascar following the devastation caused by Cyclone Batsirai in early February.

Thanks for caring,


Update on Cyclone Batsirai

FJKM President Irako Andriamahazosoa Ammi and other FJKM leaders returned from their trip to visit those impacted by Cyclone. The pictures and stories are sobering. As data about the destruction comes in, it is clear that it caused epic damage.

The last cyclones to cause such damage were Gafilo in 2004 and Geralda in 1994. Current numbers (which should continue to rise), report over 330 churches have been damaged with 242 completely destroyed. Over 170 schools have been impacted leaving thousands of students out of classes.

The FJKM church is calling on all of its churches and members to contribute to rebuilding schools and churches. The FJKM Development Department is working to assess the damage in isolated areas and help the government deliver aid. The Christians impacted by the cyclone have not given up hope and have already started rebuilding!

Prayer Requests

  • Please continue to pray for those impacted by the cyclone.

  • Please pray for FJKM leadership as they plan and coordinate efforts to rebuild destroyed churches and schools and assist those in need.

  • Please pray for the students out of school that schools can be repaired quickly.

Please pray that assessments can be done quickly so that those in need would start receiving assistance

Click HERE for more information from the Madagascar Mission Network.