Mike Kuhn — October 2022 Update

Mike Kuhn has accepted a new role as director of the International Theological Education Network (ITEN). ITEN’s purpose is to provide partnership for theological education and leadership development among those with the least access to the gospel.

Mike’s ministry passion has long been in the areas of discipleship and spiritual formation. Through ITEN, he co-labors with indigenous training movements to strengthen them in their mission. Many in developing countries have little or limited access to training institutions. The reasons for this are many, including laws that prohibit believers from non-Christian backgrounds from studying Christian theology, finances, lack of fluency in a western language, poverty, and broken educational systems. ITEN’s aim is this specific niche where access to training is limited or otherwise unavailable. 

For Mike, theology and mission go hand in hand. The story of the Bible is one of a God who sees and pursues His human family. Theology is the way we understand this God who pours out His love to an undeserving world. Mission then is not so much about a technique but primarily about how we see God and how we seek to make Him understood among all tribes and peoples.

Mike is married to Stephanie who will also serve as an educational consultant in ITEN. Stephanie’s educational background and experience will assist ITEN in assessment and training.  

Before coming to this role, Mike and Stephanie lived in France, Morocco, Egypt, and Lebanon (28 years). They speak Arabic and French. Currently, they make their home in Bellingham, Washington.  

Mike enjoys writing. Take a look at the following titles and feel free to engage him if anything piques your interest or if you would like to use them for a small group or adult education class:

Fresh Vision for the Muslim World
Finding Hagar: God’s Pursuit of a Runaway
In Quest of the Rock: Peter’s Transformative Journey with Jesus
God is One: A Christian Defense of Divine Unity in the Muslim Golden Age

Thanks for your concern and special thanks to The Outreach Foundation for this partnership. Grateful to God for all of you! 

Mike Kuhn      
email: mailto:mike.k@epcwo.org

Read more about Mike Kuhn’s ministry HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Mike Kuhn. All gifts of any size are welcomed. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.