Cuba Partnership - January 2022 Update

A December to Remember

Even as Cuba continues to struggle mightily with the effects of the pandemic and an economy in shambles, our partners there continue to inspire us with their resiliency, perseverance, and flat-out joy. This update is intended to give you some glimpses of that Spirit by highlighting several events…

On December 15th, a graduation at the Seminario Evangélico de Teología in Matanzas celebrated 32 students who completed master’s and bachelor’s degrees.

On the last Sunday of Advent (December 18th), the seminary community gathered outside for worship which included some beautiful liturgical dance.

On the last Sunday of December (the 26th), the Rev. Lianne Navarro Hernandez was installed as the pastor for a “mission church plant” of the Havana Presbytery of the Independent Presbyterian Reformed Church (IPRC). Located in a suburb of Havana called Vegas, the church blossomed over the years to now require its own full-time pastor!

Late in December, two ordinations took place in the Central Presbytery of the IPRC:

As 2022 begins, we pray for the vitality of the Church in Cuba, with the full confidence that Christ continues to be present with this precious part of his Body, his Bride.

In our New Year’s Hope, and with gratitude for your support,

Marilyn Borst

Associate Director for Partnership Development



The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of the Cuba Partnership. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help the congregations of the Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.