Nile Theological College - September 2020 Update

Sudan and South Sudan

Nile Theological College (NTC) was founded by former Presbyterian missionary Bill Anderson in 1991. It is the highest-level theological training institution offering a bachelor’s degree for the churches in South Sudan. Students at NTC include Presbyterians from two Sudanese denominations, Episcopalians, and members of other Protestant traditions. About 75% of the students are Presbyterian.

Nile Theological College provides theological and practical training to equip men and women for effective ministry in fulfilling the Great Commission in the country. NTC alumni are doing great things for the Lord in serving their denominations, other organizations, and even the government. NTC has also been helping secondary schools by providing teachers who teach Christian Education.

When civil war broke out in South Sudan in December 2013, the teachers and students fled the campus in Malakal. The facilities were destroyed, though many of the books in the library were saved. The school restarted in the spring of 2015 in borrowed quarters in Juba with five students. Now there are 81 students with more anticipated as peace returns.

In 2019, The Outreach Foundation helped fund the renovation of a larger facility. Funds are also raised each semester to support scholarships for female students at the college. PC(USA) mission co-workers Bob and Kristi Rice live in Juba, where Bob is an instructor in Theology, Biblical Studies, and Ethics at NTC. Bob reports that there have been several COVID infections including the First Vice-President, Riek Machar, and a part-time lecturer and head of the youth desk, Michael Pajok. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Bob and Kristi are currently in the U.S.

Our support makes it possible for the current and next generation of students to reach their potential and positively impact the new South Sudan.

Grateful for your partnership,

Frank Dimmock           
Africa Mission Specialist

Read more about Nile Theological College HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $14,000 in scholarship support for students at Nile Theological College. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.