San Pablo Presbyterian Theological Seminary - July 2020 Update

Our first Doctor of Ministry class, pictured here, was taught by  Dr. Freddy Kim. We hope to resume face-to-face sessions in January 2021.

Our first Doctor of Ministry class, pictured here, was taught by Dr. Freddy Kim. We hope to resume face-to-face sessions in January 2021.

Mérida, Yucatán

Dear brothers and sisters,

At this time of year, we would typically be completing another cycle of seminary activities. But COVID-19 changed those plans. We started our semester the first week of February but sent students and employees home on March 17 following the government's mandates.

We are waiting for instruction from the government on when we will be able to reopen. Before resuming classes, we will have to disinfect everything, including all classrooms, and public spaces. We will also need to expand the classrooms to ensure that everyone is at least six feet apart. All students and teachers will have to wash their hands with antibacterial gel and wear face masks, and we will have to take everyone's temperature each time they enter the seminary. We will create a single entrance for everyone and use a sanitary filter with chlorine to clean everyone’s shoes. If anyone shows symptoms of fever, we will need to isolate them and notify the authorities.

All of the above represent a challenge for us. The new guidelines will generate additional expenses that we did not anticipate. Thanks be to God that during this crisis, we have been able to operate virtually. In collaboration with Thirdmill Ministries, we are using a digital platform and have provided materials for bachelor and master’s students to continue their studies. We guide and tutor students at a distance as they engage with materials that are comprehensive and of high academic quality. This app is available through any smartphone or tablet. All our students have received personalized instructions on how to use the app to continue their studies.

We thank you for your prayers for and financial support to our ministry through The Outreach Foundation. 


Rev. Amos Cahuich Yam, Director

Read more about San Pablo Presbyterian Theological Seminary HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $9,600 for student scholarships. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.