Frank Dimmock - Update

Africa Mission Specialist

Dear friends and supporters,

“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  I thank my God every time I remember you.  In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” 

Paul wrote these words from a Roman jail to his brothers and sisters in the faith in Philippi. They resonate deeply with me these days. Being under “lockdown” with travel restrictions to most of the world, due to the COVID pandemic, it feels a little bit like being in jail…  But, like Paul, we can still encourage each other, support one another, and pray for each other! In fact, we have the amazing blessing of technology that reaches many parts of the world.  And I do thank God every time I remember you: 

•              faithful supporters of The Outreach Foundation  

•              faithful pastors to refugees in the camps and internally displaced people 

•              faithful trauma healing trainers 

•              faithful mothers, fathers, teachers of children, especially orphaned and vulnerable ones 

Our follow-up phone conversations and video conferencing calls and emails mean so very much. “I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel!”

That partnership has taken on some new dimensions. The Outreach Foundation is responding to a priority need expressed by the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCoSS) for God’s Word in the Nuer language for refugee families hoping to return to their homeland. Click HERE to view the Appeal for the Nuer Bibles. We hope to place an order soon for 5,000 Bibles.

Recently, at the request of South Sudanese pastors, Outreach solicited and sent ‘COVID appeal’ funds to Gambella, Ethiopia, and Juba, South Sudan.  John Jock Gatwech, PCoSS Education Coordinator, received the funds in Gambella for the purchase and distribution of relief supplies in the six refugee camps in western Ethiopia. And in Juba, the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan leadership received COVID relief funds to help internally displaced people mitigate the spread of the virus. The number of cases of COVID-19 is rising rapidly across East Africa. As refugees, they continue to face uncertainties every day. Perhaps in the U.S., under the COVID pandemic, we are experiencing a small taste of a refugee’s life of uncertainty?

And finally, some family news:  We have been under COVID “stay at home” restrictions with our four younger children (ages 16-23) since mid-March. The two youngest had to finish 9th and 11th grades respectively, online.  Creating a schedule from home, and following through on assignments was a challenge, but they both managed successfully – for which we are thankful. 

Nancy and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary on June 1. Our daughter did a "photo shoot" and captured this good picture of the six of us. Our family, quite naturally, has had lots of conversations, during these days of tension and reaction, about race and racial experiences. We are learning a lot from our children, and pray for continued openness to listen, learn, and care. Please pray with us for public health and safety and justice and reconciliation.

Pray, Act, and Give

Pray the “Ps” – for peace, patience, perseverance, perspective, and power together with lots of love and wisdom.

Act – Be informed. Read and learn about Africa and the region and connect through Outreach. It is a way for you to pray (as above) with knowledge and effectiveness. Be an advocate for our South Sudanese church partners. The Outreach Foundation is all about bringing brothers and sisters in Christ together around the world, to be a part of God’s Kingdom work. We need you. Reach out

Give – as the Holy Spirit leads. To my personal sending and support, and to the project of “Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan.” And thank you for “your partnership in the Gospel” through generous giving to The Outreach Foundation.

Thank you, may God bless you and give you joy.


Read more about Frank Dimmock’s ministry HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $50,000 for Frank’s support and $100,000 to address needs requested by the PCoSS through the Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan project: Bibles, hymnals, education, trauma healing, leadership development, and emergency relief. Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.