New Church Development in Egypt - June 2020 Update

During this time of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Egyptian Church has not given up its ministry. Pastors are committed to spreading hope and the Good News of the Gospel. In one of the villages in Upper Egypt, a new graduate from the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC), Peter Gamal, is creatively serving his church and community. Peter’s church is closed for public meetings because of the coronavirus. But despite the restrictions, several days every week he visits people in their homes who are in need.

He said that one of the main helpers in his ministry is a boy who has Down syndrome. Peter is very active in kids’ ministry. He organizes Bible competitions for young people and children in his church so they can read the Bible and answer questions. He has a group on Facebook, for those who have accounts, to follow up on their spiritual life, and for worship. But because not everyone in the village can connect through the internet, he writes out a weekly sermon for the blessing of the whole village. He distributes it through a grocery store owned by a Christian who volunteered to give every customer a copy of the sermon, regardless of their backgrounds.

Peter is following up with his people through WhatsApp and phone calls. This young ETSC graduate distributes food boxes,  supplied by the Synod of the Nile, for poor families. He was surprised to find his picture hanging on a wall in one of the village houses. This is an encouraging example of one of the young pastors communicating with his people and spreading God's word. He needs our prayers for his ministry and for many people in the villages who are disconnected from attending church. Pray that God will open their hearts to hear his word. Pray for the many pastors who are trying to find ways to share the good news and message of hope.

Grace and peace,

Dr. Tharwat Wahba
Egypt Mission Consultant for The Outreach Foundation
Professor of Mission, Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo

The Outreach Foundation works closely with the Pastoral and Outreach Ministries Council of the Synod of the Nile which has identified three areas in which God is calling the church to pursue outreach: 1) revitalization of village churches, some of them centuries old and primarily in Upper Egypt, 2) planting new churches in urban suburbs, and 3) planting new churches in the new “satellite” cities. The Council works very closely with the seminary in Cairo which is producing excellent students who are called and equipped for ministry in a remarkable season for the church’s mission.

Read more about New Church Development in Egypt HERE.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking $7,000 a month to support the planting/revitalization of Presbyterian churches in Egypt. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.