Michael and Rachel Weller - June 2020 Update

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Dear friends,

I trust that you and your loved ones are healthy and that the Outreach staff has adjusted to the challenges and limitations of promoting global mission during this season of life with COVID-19.  Rachel and I are living in Norfolk, VA with our daughter.

We continue as mission co-workers for the Presbyterian Mission Agency. We participate in weekly meetings with our fellow mission co-workers. One of the conversation points that came up was how will PCUSA decide when to redeploy us. Africa is at the beginning point of this pandemic and World Mission will need to interpret the situation and develop the criteria for sending mission staff back.

In the meantime, Rachel and I have weekly communication with our Ethiopian colleagues in Gambella. In an unofficial capacity, Rachel has continued to work with the Community Health Evangelism (CHE). She made sure that CHE materials concerning COVID-19 precautions were available to her Nuer and Anyuwaa colleagues. Rachel helped them with their plans to teach the materials in Gambella region communities.

I have not had as much of an opportunity to work directly with Ethiopia, but I have helped the West Gambella Bible School principal to continue the Synod’s plan to upgrade their school to a Theological College. U.S. friends have collected about 4,000 books for a library and these will be shipped to Ethiopia after a building to house the books is constructed. This project has been delayed and we do not know if we will even make it for the next scheduled attempt to construct the building in September/October. I am still hoping to be part of that team.

Rachel and I appreciate very much the financial support and the encouragement that The Outreach Foundation has provided through the years. Thank you.

Grace and peace,


Read more about the Weller’s ministry HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $20,000 for support funds. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.