Your gifts to the COVID-19 Emergency Appeal are making a Brazil

With funds that Outreach supporters sent to the COVID-19 Emergency Appeal, we were able to send $1,500 for Presbyterians in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest region to provide food relief in impoverished areas of the capital city of Manaus and several villages located along the many rivers of the region.

Last summer, associate director Juan Sarmiento led a group to visit the Presbyterian Church of Manaus. Dating back to the late 19th century, the church is very committed to reaching out in Christ's name. Its ministry scope includes small group evangelism, medical care, leadership development, ministry among prisoners, people experiencing homelessness, and Venezuelan refugees. It currently has approximately ten thousand members. Although their worship services are now via the internet, the congregation has launched an initiative called "Project Barn" that, on average, has provided 1000 food baskets to needy families weekly. Last week, they distributed 1300! 

Rev. Ronaldo Lidorio, a well-known Presbyterian leader and author who lives in Manaus, is now recovering from an arduous struggle with the disease. He had contracted malaria several times while serving as a missionary to Ghana. He and his family are now recovering and very grateful for prayers and expressions of concern.
Brazil now has one of the largest death counts. The number of casualties in the Amazon state is among the highest in the country, although the population density is relatively low. COVID-19 is spreading so fast among the indigenous people in the furthest parts of the region that doctors are now evacuating critical patients by plane to the only intensive care units in Manaus.
With your help, the river of God's love is bringing new life in some of Brazil's hardest to reach communities. 
Click here to learn more about Outreach's COVID-19 Emergency Appeal and click here to learn about the use of funds already sent to other places and partners around the world because of your generosity.