Venezuela Appeal - December 2019

Exodus and Hope in Venezuela

According to The United Nations, more than 4 million Venezuelans have left their country. Those that remain in Venezuela are struggling. Despite the severe economic crisis the country is experiencing, the Presbyterian Church of Venezuela (IPV) has been demonstrating grace in many ways.

Thanks to ongoing donations, The Outreach Foundation has been able to continue its support of the initiatives of the Presbyterian Church of Venezuela. Thousands of food baskets have been distributed, medications have been provided to members and friends that could not afford them, and Bibles have been handed out in more than 20 different neighborhoods. Grateful for our partnership, the IPV said that Outreach’s support will be very helpful for the expansion of their ministry efforts during the year 2020.

Because of the many relationships that The Outreach Foundation nurtures with Presbyterians in the region, we coordinated a visit with the Presbyterian Church in Manaus, Brazil, which is actively serving people that have arrived from Venezuela and live on the streets. As the largest city in the Amazon region, many migrants have traveled there to find employment. Members of the 10,000-member congregation have provided shelter, spiritual support and practical guidance to many of the Venezuelans that have recently arrived.

Colombia, however, is the country that has received the largest number of Venezuelans, estimated at 1.3 million. It has sadly become common to see people dragging cumbersome suitcases or carrying nursing infants on the roads of Colombia. The shoes of the “caminantes” or walkers, as they have come to be referred to, are paper-thin or worn out. Some wear no shoes at all. They eat and sleep in the soup kitchens and shelters along the way. And when there’s no room left, they have no option but to spend the night along the side of the road.

The Outreach Foundation is organizing a trip with the Reformed Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Colombia to learn about efforts being undertaken to demonstrate the love of Christ to displaced Venezuelans. Please click HERE for more information.

The season of Christmas is a good opportunity to remember that our Lord Jesus was born after his family had been forced to travel a great distance. The God of the manger is still bringing about hope in unexpected places and ways, even among Venezuelans looking for refuge in places like Brazil and Colombia.

Sincerely in Christ,
Juan Sarmiento
Associate Director for Mission

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