Cuba #6: Joy in the Journey

Joy in the Journey

By Doug Nielson, Outreach Trustee

On our last day in Cuba we drove about an hour southwest of Havana to visit the Presbyterian church in the town of San Antonio de los Baños. To say we were greeted with a warm welcome would be a massive understatement. The leadership team there had prepared a complete Holy Week service that we were delighted to join.

The service started with a welcome song “Bienvenidos a tu casa (Welcome Home) and continued with scripture readings, Cuban music sung by the church’s worship leader (who is a professional musician), and a dramatic presentation of the story in Mark 14 where Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume. The service concluded with joyous singing and dancing to a tune called “Celebrate Your Life in Jesus.”

The joy that permeated the service became all that more poignant as the leadership team shared the past and present challenges they have faced. Like a number of churches in Cuba during the political oppression of the 1960s-1990s, this congregation struggled to remain afloat. The perseverance of three women (including the 102-year-old mother of one of the elders we met) kept the doors open and the light of Christ shining. They have had no permanent pastor for the past several years. In addition, their roof is in such bad shape that it restricts them from using their main sanctuary. Add to all this are the economic challenges of the last several years.

But joy is still the overriding spirit that we experienced at the church in San Antonio. They rejoiced in recounting all the ministry work that is going on: a holistic ministry to seniors (called “5 Loaves and 2 Fish”) that includes a weekly lunch, transportation to doctor visits, medicine and home visitations. They also provide purified water to the community; sponsor a robust kid’s ministry, have a sewing ministry, and are starting a ministry to special needs individuals. The words of Nehemiah 8:10 best capture the essence of the Presbyterian Church in San Antonio de los Baños: 

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

Nehemiah 8:10