Mexico #3: Living Out the Gospel in Tangible Ways

Living out the gospel in tangible ways

By Doug Nielson
Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA

On the final days our trip to Southern México, Rev. Deena Candler and I had the privilege of visiting two ministries in Tapachula that The Outreach Foundation supports through our partnership with the National Presbyterian Church of México. 

Iglesia Jesus Cristo El Salvador Oriente (Church of Jesus Christ the Savior - East)

On Sunday night we had the special privilege of having dinner with Rev. Neri Rivera and his family. Rev. Neri and his wife, Karina, planted Iglesia Jesus Cristo El Salvador Oriente three and a half years ago. From the start, Pastor Neri and his congregation have had a heart for the large immigrant/refugee population in the area. (As it is a mere 15 miles from the border with Guatemala, Tapachula is the focal point for immigrants from Central and South America as well as the Caribbean. At any one time, there are roughly 30,000 refugees living or passing through this city.) The congregation sacrificially gives to provide for a wide variety of needs including food, cost of medical care, rent and utility subsidies, and help with asylum documentation.

Rev. Neri’s family is at the forefront of this incarnational ministry. They recently started caring for seven children who were orphaned late last year. They quickly incorporated the kids into their family of five and Priscilla, a young girl with special needs, already calls Rev. Neri “Papi” (Daddy). She delighted us by singing a few songs during our visit. In addition, Rev. Neri’s family serves meals to an additional 15-20 people on a daily basis.

It was such a blessing to see the willing hearts and hands of Rev. Neri, his family, and his congregation being Jesus to those in need. 

Centro Shalom (Peace Center)

On Tuesday we were able to return to Centro Shalom Men’s Rehabilitation Center on the outskirts of Tapachula.  

Centro Shalom focuses on providing residential rehabilitation services for men with drug and alcohol addiction. The men (a combination of locals and immigrants) at the center receive treatment and counseling to help them recover from their addiction as well as spiritual mentoring. (Approximately 1,400 men have gone through the three month program over the past 13+ years. )

Centro Shalom’s campus is situated on multiple acres of farmland; residents work the land growing plantains and tropical fruit as well as raising pigs and chickens to help defray the cost of the center. (They recently built a pond so they can add fish farming to their list of enterprises.) During our visit, we were blessed to talk with the men receiving care and especially enjoyed meeting Alejandro, who overcame drug addiction and is now the on-site supervisor of Centro Shalom.

Through the kind donations of Outreach Foundation donors, Centro Shalom was recently able to purchase a new pool table and chairs for the recreation center. Alejandro noted that the men are already enjoying spirited games of billiards and eight ball.

God is using this ministry in a major way to heal the hearts and minds of men that need His healing touch.