Mexico #1: Healthy Shepherds, Healthy Sheep

Healthy Shepherds, Healthy Sheep

By Doug Nielson
Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA

In John 21:15-17, Jesus told Peter that the best way to love Him was to “Feed My Sheep.” This also is the call for all pastors, elders, and deacons regarding their congregations. A key to doing this well is maintaining a healthy walk with God and having a good support network. To this end, in partnership with the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, The Outreach Foundation is sponsoring leadership development seminars for pastors, elders, and deacons.

Board Member Reverend Deena Candler and I traveled to the south-central Mexican city of Oaxaca de Juarez this week to participate in one of these leadership training events for pastors and elders for churches in the state of Oaxaca.

Using an interactive curriculum based on the book “The Leader that Shines,” more than 40 pastors and elders spent the day discussing the many challenges of pastoring churches in a post-pandemic world and how to ensure that they are taking the time to grow in their walks with Christ. It was encouraging to hear pastors and elders sharing from their hearts about both the burdens they carry, but also the joys of leading their flocks.

The major focus of the afternoon was on training the pastors how to disciple other pastors and elders in a small group format. The importance of community was heavily underscored. The group also spent time discussing how to rekindle their first love for Christ (“the sacred romance”).

The training session was led by two active Presbyterian pastors from Cardenas, Tabasco, and Morelia, Michoacán. Their insightful comments from the frontlines of ministry ensured that the content was heavy on the practical and light on the theoretical.

We look forward to another leadership training event in Tapachula, Chiapas, on Monday. May God use these sessions to bless His shepherds and their folks here in Mexico.