Mexico #1: Healing and Transforming Lives in Oaxaca

Healing and Transforming Lives in Oaxaca

By Doug Nielson
Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Marietta, GA

The first stop on our visit to Mexico was the picturesque colonial city of Oaxaca de Juarez, the capital of the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. One of the key initiatives of The Outreach Foundation’s partnership with the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico (INPM) is planting churches across the country where there is limited evangelical presence.

On Sunday morning, Executive Director Mark Mueller and I had the privilege of worshiping at an urban church plant in the heart of the city focused on reaching the next generation for Christ. The name of the church is Hospital de la Fe (Hospital of Faith). The name was selected by Pastor Eliel Osorio and his wife Jessica because they stand on the belief that we are all broken and in need of the healing touch of Jesus.

Pastor Eliel and Jessica started Hospital de la Fe in March 2020 – right at the start of the COVID pandemic. Undaunted, their first service was live-streamed from their backyard (with six people attending in person; Pastor Eliel’s family and two neighbors). Since that humble beginning, Pastor Eliel and Jessica have persevered and grown Hospital de la Fe into a thriving congregation of over 100. Worship is led expertly by professional musicians from Argentina and Mexico. The congregation is reaching out to those in the city via prayer walks and regular distributions of food to the poor. Just last week they started a youth ministry.

Worship on Sunday was vibrant, and we were blessed by a sermon from Julian Hernandez Moreno, President of the INPM. Our day was full of surprises including eating champulines (grasshoppers roasted with chili and lemon) and savory chicken tamales with mole sauce. Pastor Eliel also guided us through the exquisite colonial district of Oaxaca – including the ornate, gold-laden church of Santo Domingo Guzman.

We ended the day blessed beyond measure, praising God for all He is doing in Oaxaca to heal and restore lives through the Hospital de la Fe.