Mission Devotional Day 30

Hearing and doing the word

Mission Devotional Day 30

READ: James 1:19-27

One of the unfortunate developments in mission during the last century was the false division of the gospel into words or deeds. Groups of believers who emphasized proclamation as the key dimension of witnessing to the gospel often neglected compassionate action and work for justice. Those who emphasized compassion and justice often did not embrace inviting others to give their lives to the Lord.

I once heard the late Sam Moffett, retired missionary and mission professor, frame the false division this way: “Our evangelists seem to be calling us to accept the King without his Kingdom. While our prophets, just as narrow in their own way, seem to be trying to build the Kingdom without the saving King.” As to the connection between words and deeds, Moffett observed, “Without deeds the good news is scarcely credible. Without the word, the news is not even comprehensible.”

It is said that actions speak louder than words. That notwithstanding, an extensive study of the PC(USA) a few decades ago found that Presbyterians were doing good things for others but had lost their ability to explain why they were doing what they were doing.


What examples of the integral relationship between words and deeds do you see in Jesus’ life?

James 1:26 offers a straightforward description of true religion. How does James describe the importance of living for the sake of others?


Dear Lord, when I am tempted to allow words or deeds to stand alone rather than existing in my life in a dynamic way together, give me wisdom and strength. Help me to speak the good news and to reflect the good news in the way I live my life. Amen.