Mission Devotional Day 27

But emptied himself

Mission Devotional Day 27

READ: Philippians 2:1-11

In calling the Philippian Christians to unity, Paul offers us an example. He writes that we are to have the mind among ourselves which we have in Christ Jesus. The verses that follow are a powerful description of Jesus’ self-emptying, being born as a man, and being obedient unto death. These lines, some scholars believe, are evidence of an early hymn of the church.

These verses invite us to think again about Jesus as our model for mission. His way was not the way of power and coercion, but rather of a servant’s heart and obedience. We remember Jesus saying that if anyone wishes to be great, they must be the servant of all.

What does it mean to be a servant in God’s mission? It means that we have relinquished control, that we go where Jesus leads us and that we dare to love with his love. Jesus was exalted because he humbled himself and was obedient unto death. Just so, we are invited to take up our cross and follow him.


Paul draws upon sublime theology to address practical relationships in the church. Which of these verses draws your attention?

Are you more comfortable trying to serve God from a position of power or weakness? What must you yield in order to be weak in the manner of Christ?


Lord Jesus, you consistently acted for the well-being of others and the glory of your heavenly Father. Grant me grace to follow your example in the manner in which I treat others. Amen.