Mission Devotional Day 15

One does not live by bread alone

Mission Devotional Day 15

READ: Luke 4:1-15

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are often referred to as the synoptic gospels because they offer similar synopses of Jesus’ life and teaching. Probably the basic outline was provided by Mark’s gospel. The three synoptics each record that Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Spirit for a time of testing or tempting by the evil one after he was baptized by John.

At stake was Jesus’ identity as the “anointed one” or messiah. What kind of messiah would he be? Would he use his power as the son of God?

Jesus is tempted to use his power to address his physical hunger, to take the easy path to gain worldly authority and glory, and to gain a following by spectacular demonstrations of God’s power. In each test, Jesus responds by quoting Scripture resisting the devil’s temptations. He understands that “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”


Note that it is not only Jesus who quotes Scripture. The evil one weaves Scripture into the temptations that he sets before Jesus. Do you find occasion to turn to God’s word to help you be the person whom you believe God is calling you to be? What Scriptures have you committed to memory?

Physical hunger, a longing for Jesus’ authority to be recognized, and miraculous action are, in a sense, good things, but they are offered at the price of compromise. Can you think of circumstances where the church may seek to take the easy way in mission? Are there times when we are drawn to the spectacular instead of to the way of suffering and the cross?


Dear God, thank you for the example that Jesus gives us of turning to your word in remaining steadfast in his calling. Give us strength to avoid seeking our own glory in order that we might direct others’ attention to your gracious purposes. Amen.