Roll the Credits

The Annual Appeal

Dear Friends,

Have you seen the fascinating docuseries out right now called The Making of Frozen 2? It’s an up-close look at the creative and labor-intensive process of making this Disney blockbuster. Did you know that it took more than 800 people to make that movie? And that every single character had its very own animator? The series is basically a show about the credits — the tiny type that scrolls at the end as we’re all leaving the theater.

Whether or not you're a movie fan, we know you’re a fan of The Outreach Foundation — where there’s also a creative and labor-intensive process going on behind the scenes. It’s a process that animates Outreach’s life-changing work all around the world.

As you know, The Outreach Foundation connects believers across 37 countries, spanning hundreds of churches, ministries, and missionaries. Together with our partners, we’re constantly telling the story of the Kingdom of God and his redemptive love and inviting others to join us in it. We collaborate with fellow Christ followers around the world, building relationships, opening doors for service, traveling, teaching, training, and sharing resources.

This creative work takes people, tools, time, and systems. And it takes money.

Every year, we reach out to friends of Outreach to ‘roll the credits,’ and ask for your support through the Annual Appeal. Your gifts through this appeal are designated specifically to these behind-the-scenes, operational expenses needed to keep The Outreach Foundation fulfilling its mission. Funding backstage functions like personnel, technology, administration, communications may seem to have less impact than funding ‘field work’ around the globe, but it’s every bit as crucial to the story.

Will you join us in the beautiful, creative work of The Outreach Foundation? Make a gift to the Annual Appeal and help fuel this mission behind the scenes. Here are two ways:

  1. Click here to Give ONLINE

  2. Give by MAIL: The Outreach Foundation, 381 Riverside Drive, Ste 110, Franklin, TN 37064

With gratitude and joy,

Jack Baca                                             Abigail McConnell

Chair, Board of Trustees                 Vice Chair, Board of Trustees

PS: Frozen 2 cost $150 million to make. Our goal for the Annual Appeal this year is just $100,000. Can we count you in?