Don and Martha Wehmeyer

The Antioch Partners

Yucatán, Mexico


About Our Partners

National Presbyterian Church of Mexico

Don and Martha work with the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, with a focus on theological education, church planting, and retreat-workshop leadership. Don pastors a church in Sitpatch, and has been teaching online courses for the National Presbyterian Seminary in Mexico City. He is also a professor at the San Pablo Theological Seminary. In addition to their ongoing ministries in Mexico, Don and Martha are also looking forward to serving local churches and presbyteries in the U.S. which are interested in expanding their Hispanic ministries.

The Impact

Don and Martha are committed to building the capacity of Mexican partners to share and show the love of Jesus as they teach leaders, equip members and build relationships between congregations in the U.S. and Mexico.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Don and Martha Wehmeyer. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help fund teaching, workshops and other programs.