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March 23 - April 1, 2022

In his final visit to Pakistan in 2018, Rob Weingartner (former Executive Director of The Outreach Foundation) wrote these compelling words: “Imagine being a missionary, a pastor, or simply a follower of Jesus in a country that was only 2% Christian. 2% of 212 million people. That is the experience of Christians here in Pakistan, and it shapes their identity and their engagement with society in profound ways. Christians here are spared the easy option of triumphal thinking; the realities of each day invite them to think of practical, humble, life-giving ways that they can demonstrate the love of Christ. All that is available to them is the option of serving their neighbors in the way of Jesus.”

In Pakistan, we have the opportunity to encourage Christians where their suffering is among the greatest in the world. Outright persecution happens in many forms – through the application of blasphemy laws, the not-so-subtle threats by Muslim neighbors and little legal protection, and encroachment on Christian land. The Holy Spirit summons us to go and remind our friends they are not forgotten.

As we encourage them, we will see that the witness of Christ persists. Our 9-day visit will be anchored in Lahore. A city of over 11 million people, this area is also central to our web of partnerships: Forman Christian College, Presbyterian Education Board, Pakistan Bible Correspondence School, and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries. In addition to visits with these ministries, we will be spending meaningful time in villages to understand better the difficult life of rural Christians and pastors. We will see firsthand how Christians and Muslims alike are providing generous hospitality to refugees from Afghanistan.

Traveling north a couple of hours we will meet with leaders and students of Gujranwala Theological Seminary, whose history goes back to 1877. Today it is training 78 men and women to serve Christ in churches and schools throughout Pakistan. Also, we will see their new educational building project. The highlight for us will be attending their graduation ceremony and celebrating their achievements.

The Spirit is at work in Pakistan well beyond our historic partners, too, and we want to hear that good news story! We will meet with the creative and energetic leadership of PAK7 and PAK Mission Society to hear their reports of evangelism and discipleship through social media, television, business as mission, and training for Christian leaders in professional circles.

This trip is by invitation only. Cost is $1,500 per person, excluding airfare and required COVID tests for entry into Pakistan and return to the U.S. For further information please contact Tom Boone at

Earlier Event: March 11
Liverpool, UK