Remembering Pastor Eugene Rubanda

We started out today with a quick breakfast together and off in the cars to attend prayer time and a meeting with the Protestant Counsel of Rwanda (PCR). The PCR is a group made up of leaders from different church denominations such as Anglican Church, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Salvation Army Church. We shared with their devotional and prayer time. After each of them (20 members present) did introductions, we shared a cup of tea together. During this time, they gave some history of the PCR and then shared with us a presentation of their programs for providing a common Sunday School curriculum for all churches of different denominations that belong to the counsel. Very impressive. U.S. churches could definitely learn from this program! 

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The Outreach Foundation
The Light Shines in the Darkness

The night's rain stopped in time for our two-hour trip to Remera Presbytery for the dedication of the Karangara Church temple (as Rwandans call a sanctuary building). To build such a large building is a tremendous challenge that requires a great deal of work and sacrificial giving on the part of the local members as well as by the broader church across the entire country, and even the world. When they are building the walls, poorer members of the church bring their offering of a brick to worship each week. The roofing material and pew benches were a gift of First Presbyterian Church in Nashville, since those are simply out of the reach of the Rwandan churches. A year ago, this congregation faced a major disappointment when the walls they had been building up brick by brick fell down because there was not yet a roof to protect them from the rains.

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The Outreach Foundation
A Welcome Sabbath

After the long, intense day of visits yesterday, today was a welcome sabbath. We stayed in a beautiful Presbyterian-owned guest house (resort, really) on Lake Kivu in the far West of Rwanda. The weather could not have been more beautiful, nor the scene more majestic and restorative. It was well after dark when we arrived, so we didn't see where we were until the sun rose in the morning, but nearly every member of the team arose by 5:15 to go to one of the balconies to watch the sunrise over the mountains and reveal bit by bit the beauty of the place. We are so grateful for the income the guest house generates for the church, but also for this calming place for groups of pastors or others to gather for renewal. The international guests, judging by the languages and accents, are truly global.

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The Outreach Foundation
Equipping the Saints

Friday travels took us to the two Presbyteries in the western region of Rwanda. We were first welcomed by Rev. Celestin Nsengimana, president of the Gitarama Presbytery, and his staff. Later in the afternoon we visited with Rev. Albertine Nyiraneza, president of the Rubengera Presbytery, and her staff. The mission of both groups is similar: first, make disciples in all the world, as Jesus instructed us in Matthew 28: 19-20. But their second goal is also a key component of their vision and mission: "To manifest the love of God through the concrete actions of human and social development".

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The Outreach Foundation
Building Community

After a beautiful drive through the hills of Rwanda, we arrived at the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS). Originally founded by the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda to teach theology, it is now owned and managed by six Protestant denominations and offers a variety of degree programs. Vice Chancellor Rev. Prof. Elisee Musemakweli and Deputy Vice Chancellor Rev. Prof. Viateur Ndikumana were our hosts for the day. We toured the campus and learned about the history, vision, programs, future plans, and current challenges of the institution. 

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The Outreach Foundation
Mystic Sweet Communion

Louise Westfall distributes communion to the women at the 2015 evangelical women's conference, a gathering of Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese and American Presbyterians in Dhour Chouier, Lebanon.

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A good time is had by all

Where two or three are gathered together in the name of Lord, there he is in their midst. Now expand that circle to include 100 women from Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and the U.S. Is there room for him there in that circle? Indeed! 

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