Nuhad Tomeh

Mission Team

Middle East Mission Specialist


About Our Partner

The Rev. Dr. Nuhad Tomeh serves as Middle East Mission Consultant, helping The Outreach Foundation in this critical area for God’s mission. Nuhad assists in deepening relationships with partners in the region and works closely with associate director Marilyn Borst, whose focus is on engaging supporting congregations in mission. He typically co-leads 2-3 trips to the Middle East a year.

The Impact

Because of Nuhad Tomeh’s deep, personal relationships with church leaders in Syria, Iraq, and across the region, he helps Outreach and our supporters to focus resources in ways that make a difference, strengthening the church for God’s mission. Nuhad helps us share resources wisely and well, and as he travels with teams and speaks at churches here, he helps us to listen and learn from our Middle Eastern partners.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Nuhad Tomeh. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help provide a modest stipend and to cover ministry expenses.