Pak7 - In Pakistan

about our partners

PAK7 wants to see God glorified and enjoyed in Pakistan among Christians and the majority population. They do so through indigenous, strategic, and innovative methods involving children and adults testifying through professional television programming, music, and social media.

PAK7 utilizes social media and a children’s Bible TV show to share the gospel. Through social media, volunteers and staff answer real-life questions with a Christian-infused worldview, they lead people to further teaching and serve as guides in people’s search for Jesus. This is forging new paths for the gospel in areas of Pakistan not traditionally served by the church. Its children’s Bible TV show, Kahani Kamp has a potential reach of 80 million children. Through stories, songs, quizzes, and cartoons Christian truth is broadcast to children. For Christians it means they have models for owning their faith, applying God’s Word to their lives, and knowing God more deeply.

The Impact

PAK7 has been instrumental in telling stories out of Pakistan, resulting in the freeing of families from bond slavery. Through its broadcasts, Muslims and Christians engage in substantive and respectful dialogue so that Christians have an intelligent voice in the public square. Its social media impact reaches well beyond the Christian population.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of PAK7. All gifts of any size are welcomed to facilitate the sharing of the Good News in Pakistan