José Carlos Pezini - October 2021 Update

Dear brothers and sisters, servants of Christ Jesus and collaborators with him in the expansion of the Kingdom, 

Grace and peace be with you all.

We've all experienced the difficulties of these past couple of years. But despite the struggles we have faced, battles were won, thus fulfilling the promise that in Christ Jesus we are more than conquerors.

Through your partnership, the gospel has been preached in many places here in Brazil. It has brought salvation to dozens of families in eight different cities, from the southern part of Brazil to the northeast. Here are reports from some of the new churches:

The new church development in the Northeast Region of Brazil started nine months ago in the middle of the pandemic. The new church has already begun meeting weekly, with approximately fifteen people in attendance. The church has assisted some of these people with food and health necessities. 

Florianópolis, SC is the location of the new church development in the North Region. Over the past two years, 10 adults have been baptized. They all have beautiful stories to tell, but one of them is very special. Her name is Lucélia. She was an alcoholic with advanced bipolar disorder. She arrived at church drunk and saying that she was hearing many voices. The voices told her to take her life. But, according to her, there was a stronger voice that told her to stop by the church before taking her life. The members of the church received her. She was sent to a drug addiction recovery project where she was cared for, loved, and guided for two months. She was discipled in the church and strongly impacted by the Gospel of Christ, which says we are saved by what Christ did and not what we do. Lucélia was baptized and welcomed by brothers and sisters from the church who still accompany her today. 

The focus of the new church development in Valinhos this year was on preparing leaders, providing subsidies to improve the financial condition of vulnerable families, and strengthening the small group meetings.

The new church development in Presidente Prudente has been working with several people from their core group on the development of individual discipleship and small groups. The church received several new members by baptism. They are working hard to train new leaders.

All these works were possible because of the faithfulness of your commitment to the expansion of the Kingdom of God here in Brazil. Odete and I have accompanied and encouraged each of these pastors in planting these new churches and worked with the Office of Evangelization so that their ministries are more effective.

Here are the projects that have benefited from your contributions:

·         IPI Lighthouse Project (Natal-RN) - Miss Jaime Mello

·         IPI Arena Zona Sul Project (President Prudente - SP) - Rev. William Ramos

·         IPI Mineiros-GO Project - Rev. Victor Ribeiro S. Carmo

·         IPI Petrolina-PE Project - Rev. Leandro Garcia Moreira

·         IPI Project Maceió-AL - Rev. Luiz Carlos Correia

·         IPI Valinhos-SP - Rev. Rodrigo de Lima Faria

·         IPI Zona Sul Project (Campinas-SP) - Rev. João Paulo Rodrigues da Silva

·         North Island Project (Florianópolis – SC – Vinicius Lima

Thank you so much to all of you who have loved Jesus and contributed to the spread of the gospel.

May the grace of the good God continue in your life!

In Christ,

Pezini and Odete

Read more about Pezini’s ministry HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Pezini. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help with scholarships for church leaders and support for pastors and their families. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.