Gujranwala Theological Seminary - July 2020 Update


Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) prepares young men and women for ministry in the 300 largely rural congregations of Outreach partner, the Presbyterian Church in Pakistan. We recently received the following report from Gujranwala:

Academic Progress

Gujranwala students made wonderful progress in academics in 2019. Many different academic activities were held including Seminar on Leadership, Seminar on Women’s Ministry, Outreach Workshop, Sports Day, and Study. A farewell dinner for the graduating class and other social activities were also enjoyed.

Organizational Development

·         Classroom space was extended to increase capacity.

·         The long-awaited dream of having a large, spacious Hall Room was finally realized.

·         The Hall Room was furnished with carpet, 85 chairs, a podium, and a multi-media projector.

·         The Hall Room was dedicated in memory of Rev. Prof. Dr. Aslam Ziai, late GTS Vice-Principal.

Finance Database Development/Accounting Software

Miss Enna B Lal was appointed full-time Accounts Manager and Admin Officer. She was selected by the principal, staffing committee, and executive members of the GTS Board of Trustees.

·         GTS purchased accounting software, “Enterprise Planning Resource” (Education Management System) which was implemented on January 1, 2020.

·         An official GTS website was purchased.

·         The biometric attendance machine was purchased and installed to monitor student and staff attendance.

·         Tools and other equipment were purchased to help workers’ efficiency.

Upcoming Programs

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online teaching will soon begin. Both M.Div. and B.Th. degrees will be taught online and some new certifications will be introduced through extension and distance learning programs.

Please pray for our upcoming projects. Thanks be to God for the faithful support of donors through The Outreach Foundation. 


Gujranwala Theological Seminary

Read more about Gujranwala Theological Seminary HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $20,000 to support seminary operations as they train new leaders in a strategic mission field. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.