Gujranwala Theological Seminary - December 2020 Update


By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) has been educating theological students for 143 years. Millions of students have been well prepared by the seminary and are sharing their ministries all around the world.

Academic Development       
After COVID-19 closed down the seminary, the academic session resumed on October 5th under the supervision of the principal, Rev. Nosheen Khan. Daily morning devotions are held for the students for their spiritual growth. Classes are arranged according to their subjects.  

Organizational Development          
GTS was able to provide online study during the shutdown. By the grace of the Lord, the seminary purchased the ERP School Management System. The various modules available in ERP include Students’ Management, Master Definition, Fee Collection, Students/Staff Attendance, Exam/Results, Account Management, HRM (Payroll, Attendance), and Users’ Managing Rights Module. As we have done for many decades, GTS featured an exhibit at Sialkot Convention 2020 for advertisement and goodwill.

After being closed for almost 18 years, the dispensary was reopened on November 2. It was dedicated to Catherine Paul Burgees, a nurse who served the dispensary for many years. Rev. Khan and some of the faculty members visited different churches across the country to promote GTS and raise funds. The GTS bookstore was opened on November 15 with a large number of national/international, Urdu/English, and religious books. An online examination system was established to manage the grading system during the COVID-19 pandemic. By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the untiring and hardworking efforts of the chairman, Rev. Dr. Majid Abel, and principal, Rev. Nosheen Khan, we were able to achieve the highest academic goals.

Online Study, Distance Learning and Correspondence      
The distance learning module’s resources will be delivered via the ERP based online learning platform. The platform will vary depending on the software used, but it will usually consist of a central online platform that students can access from their PC, mobile device, or tablet.

GTS plans to allow students to complete their exams on their personal computers in a location of their choosing because tutors have no way to oversee virtual exams or tests. As a viable alternative, GTS will offer the option of completing “take-home” examinations in the form of a written final assignment.

Items Required for Online Study

·         A Dedicated Student Support Team
A well-qualified, trained team is working to support all online study activities for students. 

·         Main Server  
A main server will be used as a backup for all online studies. The main server will be equipped with the latest devices to facilitate online study procedures. 

·         Camera, Lenses, Bag, Stand, LED Lights      
GTS needs a mini studio outfitted with the latest equipment i.e. Canon DSLR Camera, lenses, camera stand, LED light, camera bag, etc.  

Academic Administration   
A successful institute is about much more than teaching. While good teaching is crucial, the administration that underpins it is key to providing a well-rounded education that encompasses the whole student. Effective administration and operations support an education that goes well beyond imparting knowledge.

Need for Classrooms 
GTS has only two lecture rooms at present. The number of candidates is increasing day by day so GTS requires more classrooms as soon as possible.

Digital Library          
GTS has a wonderful library equipped with a good number of books. But as time goes on, we need more copies of the latest books. We plan to add an international digital library to better serve our students.

GTS students need books for their personal libraries, notebooks, diaries, stationery, etc. so we would like to have a separate room for a bookstore. This would require book racks, a cash counter, carpet, and a computer system for sales accounts management.

Please remember Gujranwala Theological Seminary in your prayers. Grateful for your partnership,

Gujranwala Theological Seminary

Read more about Gujranwala Theological Seminary HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $20,000 to support seminary operations as they train new leaders in a strategic mission field. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.
