New Church Development in Brazil - October Update

We recently received the following letter from Outreach partner the Independent Church of Brazil (IPIB):

Dear Outreach Foundation friends,

The mission ministry is pleased to inform you of some of the actions carried out by the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil during the pandemic period.

With the support of the Central Office (represented by its President Rev. João Luiz Furtado), the local church councils, partnership with The Outreach Foundation, and members of the IPIB, the denomination was able to provide significant help to people who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The IPIB developed a project entitled "All Together in Mission" which has helped pastors, missionaries, and seminarians in communities impacted financially by the pandemic.

Below are some of the actions carried out by IPIB in recent months:

·         Young people from the Independent Presbyterian Church raised funds for the “All Together in Mission” project to help IPIB pastors, missionaries, and seminarians who lost their incomes in the pandemic. 

·         Counseling and instruction were provided for young people and teenagers.

·         First IPI in Machado/MG ‘s recovery house for drug addicts is welcoming homeless people during the pandemic period.

·         Second Machado Independent Presbyterian Church is providing a drive-through facility where families in need can get food and clothing.

·         IPI bought and distributed hand sanitizer and masks to philanthropic institutions and needy families.

·         Second IPI in Cruzeiro/SP partnered with SESI (Social Service) to distribute 2,800 meals to residents of the Itaguaçaba neighborhood.

·         IPI Maanaim-Curitiba/PR distributed 200 food baskets and a personal visit and follow-up to more than 100 families, in partnership with SESI.

·         68 church members helped screen families in need and assembled kits to deliver.

·         For the past two years, we have partnered with two schools through a Learning Incentive Program. We also support schools by bringing children their assignments and offering support for them to complete their work.

·         Until July, the IPI of Guaianases served 11 families with basic monthly food baskets; money to pay water, electricity, and medical bills; financial aid for missionaries. Blankets were distributed to 7 families that live in the church’s neighborhood.

·         IPI Piracicaba donated food to a family with unemployed parents and 5 children.

We appreciate Outreach's partnership and support, and we cry out to God that together we can serve more people experiencing poverty and misery.

Rev. Alex Sandro dos Santos
Mission Office

Read more about New Church Development in Brazil HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $40,000 to support four new Brazilian churches at $10,000 per church. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.