Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo - March 2024


Dr. Samuel Rozfy visited with numerous partners during his most recent trip to the United States, January 26-February 6. He began his visit with a stop in Hendersonville, Tennessee, visiting the Community Church of Hendersonville. Community Church is a new ministry partner, currently funding a MAT scholarship. Don and Ann Crittenden joined him as he attended the ECO National Gathering in Greenville, South Carolina. His host for the event was the Eastminster Church in Marietta, Georgia.

The ECO Gathering hosted 20 ETSC graduates who are serving as ordained pastors in various Egyptian churches, highlighting their partnership with churches and ministries in Egypt and included the signing of a partnership agreement with the Synod of the Nile. Among other goals for the initiative is that U.S. churches form sister relationships with congregations in Egypt. To facilitate this initiative, ECO hosted a workshop entitled, “Expanding Mission Partnerships.” The ECO Gathering enabled Dr. Rozfy to connect with many faithful partners, including leaders from First Presbyterian Church in Houston, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston, and the First Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina, as well as great friends from Frontier Fellowship and The Outreach Foundation.

On Sunday, Dr. Rozfy was a guest at Eastminster Church in Marietta, Georgia, where he taught the adult Sunday school class. He spent Monday and Tuesday visiting with leaders of PC(USA) churches in the Atlanta area, including Peachtree Presbyterian Church, North Avenue Presbyterian Church, and First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta. Dr. Susan Buenger, presenter for the partnership training, observed that it is tempting to view donors as banks, but these relationships are best seen as banquets. Certainly, ETSC deeply appreciates the sumptuous banquet of relationships it shares with its many faithful partners.

We also take this opportunity to welcome several international guests this spring. The Community Church of Hendersonville has a group in Cairo as this is written. ETSC will welcome a delegation from Peachtree Presbyterian Church of Atlanta at the end of March and Eastminster Presbyterian Church of Marietta, Georgia, has a trip scheduled for later this year. ETSC considers it a joy to host guests from the United States as it offers the opportunity for us share life together and deepen the friendships we have in Christ.

If you want to join in and support the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo’s ministry, please send funds to The Outreach Foundation, designated “ETSC.”  Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.