Extreme Flooding in Haiti

This video shared by Pastor Leon shows the story of what so many are facing....on top of all the existing challenges in Haiti.

Outreach partner Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM) shared the following news:

Dear friends,

The heavy rains and floods that took place last weekend in Haiti tragically left 51 people dead, 140 people injured, and nearly 40,000 households affected. Thankfully our staff are accounted for and our campuses are ok, although the Repatriote primary school has been closed all week due to the area conditions. Pastor Leon Dorleans has been visiting some of the hardest hit areas and reports that nearly every house in Repatriote had standing water inside, reaching as high as 2-3 feet. Two of our school teachers lost their homes entirely. Others suffered major floor and roof damage. Families lost clothing and shoes as well as essential documents such as birth certificates and IDs. Individuals who earn their living by street vending lost supplies and goods. In addition, the water that flooded people's homes was filthy, mixed with trash and sewage, which raises concerns about illness and disease. 

HOM and partner Mission Communautaire de l'Eglise Chretienne des Cites (MICECC) are seeking to provide relief to these households. Support will be in the form of cash grants to help replace clothing, shoes, basic goods, and essential documents. Support will also be given to help households make home repairs and — if enough funds are received — to rebuild the two teachers' houses that were lost. Our medical clinic also stands ready to care for those made sick by the floodwaters.

Thank you for your love and care for Haiti.

In hope,

Caroline Chambre Hammock
Executive Director

Read more about Haiti Outreach Ministries HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Haiti Outreach Ministries. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help provide scholarships for students and to support the community feeding program. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.