Refugees, Refuge, Hope — Nasir Church Year End Appeal

Refugees Refuge Hope

Home. Safety. Security. Words that many take for granted but millions worldwide do not experience — they are refugees.

There are 114 million refugees in the world. That number is overwhelming and growing daily. But this is not a new problem. Moses, Ruth, Joseph, Mary, Jesus — all were refugees.

For decades, civil wars in South Sudan have forced hundreds of thousands to flee to camps in neighboring Ethiopia. The village of Nasir was particularly affected. But as the conflict has declined and security has returned, the request from these refugees is, “We just want to go back home. Please help us get back to our homeland.”

The Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS) is eager to welcome them home. In addition to basic needs, the people greatly need sanctuary, a place to worship. Therefore, a priority is to complete the historical Nasir Church destroyed by war.

Just like in the U.S., churches in South Sudan have differences. However, in the spirit of reconciliation, they have come together in this initiative. How appropriate for this to happen during the season of Christmas, when we celebrate the peace given by the birth of Jesus! This church will once again be the centerpiece of the village of Nasir, a place of hope, security, reconciliation, and community.

During an Outreach Foundation visit with Sudanese Americans and PCOSS leaders in June of 2023, a commitment was made to work together to complete the church. The plans are ambitious, but the church will serve many purposes including worship and education.

The immensity of the needs of millions of refugees around the world is daunting. One way we can help is by partnering with the PCOSS to welcome refugees back to their sanctuary. They have suffered separation and loneliness; won’t you help them find healing in their church?

As we come to the end of a year filled with tragedy and heartbreak, hope endures. Hope is the focus of our final appeal for 2023. Let hope guide you in helping to restore a place of refuge for South Sudanese brothers and sisters with a generous gift to Rebuilding Hope Among Refugees in Africa. Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.

With you in Christ’s mission,

Rev. Dr. Mark Mueller