Syria Lebanon Partnership - June 2022 Update

The situation “on the ground” is pretty grim — both Syria and Lebanon are in the midst of economic collapse. Our major partner in both countries is our Presbyterian family, the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. It is hard to get a grasp on the “direness” of the context in which the Synod churches do ministry but these sobering assessments from the World Bank may help:

Before the conflict, extreme poverty in Syria … was virtually inexistent. It is now affecting more than 50 percent of the population.

Lebanon is almost three years into an economic and financial crisis that is among the worst the world has seen.

Having recently returned from meeting with pastors in Lebanon, and with some of the Syrian pastors, too, I marvel anew at the irrepressible grace and gladness of these servant leaders whose commitment to mission and ministry remains undaunted despite the challenges. This “gallery” highlights a few of their recent activities, and their faces, I trust, remind you to pray for them and to support them. The Synod is struggling to provide for their salaries — which was never a problem before — and The Outreach Foundation is committed to coming alongside this effort, but we need your help, and soon.

Confident that we serve a God “who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,”

Marilyn Borst
Associate Director for Partnership Development

Read more about the Syria Lebanon Partnership HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of the Syria Lebanon Partnership. All gifts of any size are welcomed to support our Presbyterian family of faith in Syria and Lebanon during this difficult time. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.