Hamlin Nursing Home — November 2022 Update

Beirut, Lebanon

Late this summer, I brought a team of women to Lebanon to participate in the annual women’s conference of our partner, the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. We had the chance to visit several ministry sites, including Hamlin.   Marilyn Borst, Associate Director for Partnership Development

There is a place in Lebanon that always brings calm to my soul and where a woman of faith, who can be found at that sanctuary, has that same effect. Our team went to Hamlin Nursing Home, up in the beautiful pine-covered hills of Hammana and sat under a verdant canopy of green with its Director, Sana Koreh, to learn and reflect and exhale after our long journey here. Surrounded by kittens, who frolic up tree trunks and beg for a crumb of the buttery pastries we were served, Sana reminded us of the rich history of this place:

This facility was founded by pioneering female physician/missionary Dr. Mary Pierson Eddy in 1908 to address eye issues but quickly became a tuberculosis sanitorium. Dr. Eddy, who was born in Sidon (Lebanon) to missionary parents, would be the first woman to be given a license to practice medicine — in 1893! Both Mary and her parents are buried in the land to which they gave themselves in sacrificial service to God’s call. I have stood reverentially by their graves and thanked God for their faith and faithfulness.

During the 15 years of the Civil War, Hamlin operated as a general medicine hospital serving all creeds and confessions wounded in the fighting.

Sana related to us the difficulties of the COVID times at the facility. Between January and April 2021, 80% of the staff and residents experienced some degree of the virus. Yet through this tough time, the staff never quit working, and everyone pushed themselves to make it through.

Hamlin is now “home” for 34 elderly residents who are cared for with dignity and love. Sana is a “product” of this haven of healing: her father was the accountant of the hospital, and she attended nursing school on-site. Her professionalism is infused with a deep love for the place and all who are enveloped by its care — including me, including my team….

Read more about Hamlin Nursing Home HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the Hamlin Nursing Home. All gifts of any size are welcomed. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.