CCAP Church Construction in Zambia - April 2021 Update

The CCAP Synod of Zambia, an Outreach partner, was constituted in 1984 with four ordained ministers, two presbyteries, and 16 congregations. The church has grown rapidly and today has 16 presbyteries throughout Zambia. There are now 104 congregations with 95 ministers and a membership of more than 85,000. As the church has grown, the need for more places to worship has also grown. The need for training additional pastors and evangelists is also critical.

The Linda congregation, in Lusaka, has about 150 members and is led by Rev. Joseph Kaluba. The construction of the new church, pictured below, has now reached an advanced stage and requires funds to complete the roof. The Linda Church also hosts a CCAP community school. 

Construction of the Westlake Hills Prayer House, pictured below, was initiated following a 2015 Christmas gift offering from Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church in Austin, TX. It started with only 30 members but is growing rapidly. It is in a farming area near the capital. To complete construction, the church building requires plastering and a concrete floor, see photos at the top of page two. The final photo is of the office building. The interior of the office building has not been completed.

CCAP’s Rev. Kabaghe recently sent a letter with additional construction plans, here is an excerpt:

“We already did the water system at the Synod office and now we need to focus on security. We are having local fundraising for security and have asked other people to help us. The offices, house, and gardens are vulnerable to theft unless a wall is constructed. I would like to have the Synod office with the floor tiles and the ceiling board included in the next phase of construction. It is one of the priorities that needs much attention.”

Thank you,

Frank Dimmock, Africa Mission Specialist

Read more about CCAP Church Construction in Zambia HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling$10,000 for completion of and furniture for the office building. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.